IPL 2010
Indian Premiere League or better known as IPL has been considered as the most prosperous form of the Cricket game. After looking at the enormous profits made by this format for two years straight, the Chairman of IPL has decided to create more impact in the coming year by mixing glamour with game. The game of IPL in the coming 2010 is being considered as the most exciting yet interesting arena that will offer all the spices in order to heat the television set of the individual viewers.
The coming session of the IPL 2010 promises great plays of 20-20 tournament. The teams have already engaged themselves in preparing for the coming tournament. Likely all the aspects of the IPL matches as well as the controversy involved will be retained. However, new controversies with the play will be definitely attached. Likely, all the team owners will remain the same and no change in the captaincy will be observed.
The game of IPL has always involved a huge magnitude of sponsors. Primarily the sponsors are Coca Cola, Pepsi, Kingfishers (the boss “Vijay Mallaya” owns a team in this play, named Bangalore Royal Challengers), and the most important and largest sponsor is DLF, that has in the last tournament invested over 200 crore and according to some of the tabloid, they are deciding to raise this stake. Seems like, Mr. Modi will have no shortage of sponsors as well as related money.
Teams and Players
The game of IPL 2010 is likely to maintain all the teams and the related players, yet as according to the show biz, there might be some hook up with the new players that will help in creating more drama within the game. Thus, the tournament of IPL 2010 promises to be a bang and will raise above all the expectation of the viewers.
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